

Wall Art, Bankside Hotel, London

Love-Connects: How Our Son's Life Taught Us the Healing Power of Living Connected, Timothy Taylor and Susan Taylor


I bought the Kindle edition of Love-Connects immediately after meeting Tim Taylor this past week. My friend Peter and I were on an evening walk when Tim recognized Peter and stopped to talk. Tim displayed the principles the book teaches by welcoming me to the conversation, briefly telling me about Lee and the book project, and then opening the door for future fellowship.

Tim intentionality commits to fellowship with others, including strangers, like me. I became more fully alert to his intentionality while reading Love-Connects. Just pages into the book I realized that I often approach relationships with an agenda - a task in mind as to what I want to accomplish. I want to re-think that moving forward. I hope to be open when I meet with people in order to hear their stories and connect in a way that benefits them.

This will be a difficult book for some readers because it requires being present to hearing other peoples' stories. Being present is sacrificial, which means giving something away. For me, I had to give away the priority of focusing on my own story in order to hear the message in this book.

This book is well-written. The reasoning and conclusions are mature and biblical, and authentic.

These lessons are worth learning and practicing.


Resources for this post:

·      Love-Connects: How Our Son's Life Taught Us the Healing Power of Living-Connected

·      Live-Connected
